”Judisk Kultur i Sverige – en stark kulturinstitution” Dagens Nyheter
J! Judisk kultur i Sverige är en oberoende institution som initierar och genomför program som knyter an till den mångfacetterade judiska kulturen. J! aktualiserar judisk kultur inom filosofi, litteratur, konst, film och musik. Med judiska perspektiv som utgångspunkt skapas möten och samtal rörande aktuella och historiska ämnen. J! fokuserar på de dynamiska och universella aspekterna av den judiska kulturen.
J! grundades av Gabriel Urwitz, Lennart Schuss, Mikael Kamras, Lars Dencik, Jackie Jakubowski, Monica och Gerald Nagler, Elisabeth och Georg Citrom samt Lizzie Oved Scheja.
J! mottar inte ansökningar om ekonomiskt stöd men verkar genom att ingå i samarbete om arrangemang som ryms inom J!s verksamhetsinriktning.
Kontakta oss gärna om du vill bli medlem i Judisk kultur i Sverige och/eller om du har en idé som skulle kunna utvecklas och eventuellt förverkligas i samarbete med oss. info@judiskkultur.se
Vi ser Dig mycket gärna som medlem i J!
Lizzie Oved Scheja is the founder and Executive Director of Jewish Culture in Sweden, an independent, leading culture institution in Sweden and in Europe. A graduate from UCLA school of Fine Arts, she has worked locally and international in forming cultural platforms, developing cooperation and partnership and realizing high profile programs in major institutions. She is the Executive Director of the Gilel Storch Award and member of board of the Institute for Holocaust Research in Sweden. She is the 2020 recipient of the Aaron Isaac medal, the highest award given by the Jewish Community in Stockholm.
Viveca Urwitz, f.d enhetschef på Socialstyrelsen numera pensionär och expertkonsult i frågor om bidragshantering, uppföljning och utvärdering samt social utveckling och folkhälsa. Har en magisterexamen i socialt arbete och har tidigare arbetat med hiv prevention i Sverige och interationellt.
Speciellt har hon arbetat med, och forskat om, utveckling och uppföljning av arbete inom ideella organisationer och offentlig sektor. Viveca har publicerat rapporter och artiklar samt medverkat i läroböcker inom sitt kunskapsområde. Hon pratar flera språk och har under hela sitt liv intresserat sig för och följt litteratur från alla världens hörn.
VD, ordförande och styrelseledamot i ett flertal företag.
Tidigare Styrelseledamot och VD i såväl noterade som onoterad bolag i Sverige, Norge, Tyskland, Schweiz, Finland och Israel
Vice ordförande i Teskedsorden.
Tidigare ordförande i Judiska Museet i Stockholm, Judisk Krönika, Stiftelsen Judaica, och Millesgårdens Vänförening.
Founder and director of Judisk Kultur i Sverige. A graduate from UCLA School of Fine Arts, Scheja has been realizing high-profile culture programs in leading institutions in Sweden and internationally. She is translator of Scandinavian drama, has worked closely with Habima Israel National Theatre, and is an independent writer.
Born in 1956 in Gothenburg, Sweden, Kanter received his LL.M from Uppsala University in 1980 and did a Junior Judgeship in Uppsala District Court (1980-1982). Since 1982 he has been practicing business law, initially specializing in intellectual property law and dispute resolution, and from 1994 in mergers and acquisitions.
Kanter has published i.a. the following works:
Fiction; novels: “Len Rakoffs kärlek”, Norstedts, 1977; ”John J:s resa”, Norstedts 1979; “David Kahans sista ord”, Norstedts 1981. Non-fiction: ”Det nya förlagsavtalet”, Norstedts 1980
Lars was born in Sweden 1941 and is Senior Professor of Social Psychology. He is carrying out research on the relations between societal modernization and Jewish life in Sweden and Europe – topics that he has also written and published extensively about.
Alexander Freudenthal was born in 1971 into a musical, Jewish home and has combined these two worlds in his work. In 1999 he formed the Freudenthal Yiddish Big Band where he combines the Yiddish folk music and big band jazz. As composer, he was commissioned several pieces by the Jewish Museum in Stockholm and wrote a concerto for Cello and Yiddish Big Band (2006). His compositions have been featured on Swedish national radio and television. He formed the Freudenthal Yiddish Orchestra (FYO) to which he composed a Piano Concerto featuring swedish jazz pianist Adam Forkelid (2013). In 2015 Freudenthal created KLEZ-Lab, a platform that explores the rich heritage of Jewish music. The first KLEZ-lab took place in cooperation with the Malmö Academy of Music and J! Jewish Culture in Sweden.
Cofounder of Jewish Culture in Sweden. Member of the Program Advisory Board.
Literary critic – specialized in Central European & Israeli Literature – working in that capacity at Swedish Radio & TV (1975 - 1996) President of the Swedish Pen Club (1995 - 2002).
Co-founder, organizer, and moderator of/at international Book Fairs, literary seminars and other literary events in Europe and the USA in order to exchange and promote different cultures for better understanding of the other.
Member of the International Advisory Board of the Wittgenstein Initiative in Vienna.
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