Welcome to launch with us the Jewish Book Festival where Judisk kultur i Sverige continues its tradition of celebrating books and ideas.
The festival will highlight 250 years of Jewish life in Sweden and present cross-generational authors and thinkers of various genres that together create a mosaic of the flourishing multifaceted Jewish culture in Sweden. Our new anthology Davidsstjärnor will be released on that occasion.
Swedish participants include Mats Almegård, Jessica Bab, Jonathan Broth, Karin Brygger, Carl Henrik Carlsson, Lars Dencik, Gabriel Francke Rodau, Alexander Freudenthal, Andreas Gedin, Peter Handberg, Anders Hammarlund, Rebecka Katz Thor, Michael Kaufmann, Ludvig Köhler, Madelaine Levy, Ingrid Lomfors, Sara Mannheimer, Hannes Meidal, Stephan Mendel-Enk, Maria Modig, Ricki Neuman, Anders Olsson, Hynek Pallas, Daniel Pedersen, Dina & Jovan Rajs, Joanna Rubin Dranger, Yvonne Rock, Nathan Shachar, Sarah Schulman, Greta Schüldt, Margit Silberstein, Sara Sommerfeld, Natalie Verständing, Svante Weyler, Ebba Witt- Brattström, Torkel Wächter, Leif Zern, Elisabeth Åsbrink (list not complete).
International guests include American author Nicole Krauss who will speak about Writing, Identity and the Struggle to Speak After October 7.
Historian Tom Segev will make his debut appearance in Sweden and speak about David Ben-Gurion as comes across in his biography A State at Any Cost.
Three of Israel's forefront contemporary authors, Yaniv Iczkovits, Tehila Hakimi and Roy Chen, will present and read from their works under the title Literature in Times of Crisis. Literary agent Deborah Harris will speak about cultural boycott and its consequences.
Polish author Mikolaj Grynberg, for the second time on our stage, will present his latest book Rabalder, and Emile Schrijver, director the the Jewish Culture Quarters in Amsterdam will present his recently published book Eyewitnesses of Antisemitism, a study of more than 40 historical texts that explore the millennia-old roots of European antisemitism.
Reading, music, mingle and informal meetings will be part of this literary manifestation, as we celebrate Jewish life and culture in Sweden.
Thank you: Swedish Arts Council, the City of Stockholm, Stockholm Region
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