Judisk Kultur

J! Film
Mr. Morgenthau
A film by Hilan Warshaw
Participants: Ola Larsmo, Hilan Warshaw
Moderator: Ricki Neuman
Followed by reception
Måndag 24 mars kl. 18.00

Honorable Mr. Morgenthau
A film by Hilan Warshaw

Conversation: Keep America for the Americans
On immigration policies that the US refused to uphold for the Jewish victims of the Nazis, the context behind the creation of the State of Israel, and the prevalence of anti-semitism, by implication, today as well.
Participants: Ola Larsmo, author and literary critic; Hilan Warshaw, filmmaker
Moderator: Ricki Neuman, author and journalist
Followed by reception
Måndag 24 mars kl. 18.00 (obs. tiden)
Konstakademien, Fredsgatan 12/hiss från Jakobsgatan 27c, Stockholm 


About the film:

Honorable Mr. Morgenthau is s feature length documentary about American immigration policy during the Holocaust, as told through the lens of one American's extraordinary experience. Throughout most of the 1930s and World War II, the United States government actively worked to ensure that the influx of European Jews to America stayed well below America's official immigration quota from that part of the world. This acknowledged policy, rooted in a variety of political concerns, as well as frequently transparent anti-semitism, left millions of individuals with no haven from the Nazi terror, and emboldened Hitler to transition from a policy of Jewish emigration to extermination.

Hilan Warshaw is an Emmy-awarded director and writer of documentaries including Through the Darkness; Secret Song; Wagner's Jews; In the Key of Bach and My Bolero.Warshaw was Judisk kultur i Sverige's guest in the international symposia Wagner & the Jews and Jewish New York.

Henry Morgenthau Jr., President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt and DNC treasurer W. Forbes Morgan at Warm Springs (1932)
Henry Morgenthau jr. 1938.

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